2019 International Conference on Unmanned Systems and Artificial Intelligence(ICUSAI)
AO XIANG International Conference Center(西安翱翔国际会议中心)
Address: Xigongda Chuangxin Building, Laodong South Road, BeiLin District, Xi’an, China.
Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
IFAC Technical Committee on Ecnomic, Business, and Financial Systems (TC 9.1)
The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems and Artificial Intelligence provides an international forum that brings together those actively involved in unmanned systems. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of unmanned systems.
Contributions covering theoretical developments and practical applications, including but not limited to the following technical areas, are invited:
- Reliability of Unmanned Systems
- Path Planning and Navigation
- Regulations
- Interoperability
- Airspace Control
- Airspace Management
- Airworthiness
- Biologically Inspired Unmanned Systems
- Energy Efficient Unmanned Systems
- Environmental Issues
- Information security and Anti-Counterfeit
- Digital Watermarking
- Multidimensional Code
- Cryptography
- Network penetration
- Internet protocol
- Big Data Processing and Application
- Big data storage and management, parallel computing
- Cloud computing
- Artificial intelligence and Cybernetics
- Robotics & control systems
- Fuzzy Systems and Applications
- Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems
- Cybernetics for Informatics
- Intelligent Agricultural Unmanned Systems
Important Dates:
September 10, September 30, 2019 Paper Submission DeadlineSeptemper 30, October 20, 2019 NotificationSeptemper 20, November 10, 2019 Camera-ready Submission
Conference Secretary, Email: icus.reg@hotmail.com/ icusai.reg@hotmail.com Tel: +8617702041956
Please Scan the QD-code of ICUSAI 2019 to get latest information in WeChat.